Ethical Investments and Screening Services
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By Elisa Giraldi
When was ethical finance born? Modern ethical finance goes back to the early 1970s, when, mainly due to the Vietnam War, many investors wondered whether it was appropriate and consistent with their values to continue to invest their savings in companies that were somehow related to war.
Ethical Certification
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By Valentina Facciponte & Elisa Giraldi
As part of a course organized by Fidelis in 2012, professor Auretta Benedetti, spoke about ethical certifications. Benedetti is Associate Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Milan Bicocca, where she teaches Administrative Law, Public Law, Public Law of the Economy.
Has the time come for bankers to take an oath?
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By David Flamegan
It has been well documented that in the lead up to the 2007 banking crisis the industry was not behaving as it should be.
Legal vs Legitimate vs Ethics
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By Dr. Alejandro Ordieres Sieres
Every society is a complex web of relationships. People with different views and different purposes often interact together seeking common goals.